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Anti-Aging Medicine

Both Anti-Aging medicine and current medical practice are attempting to increase life span and improve the quality of human life.  Anti-Aging medicine tends to be more proactive and utilizes cutting edge approaches

As we age multiple hormone abnormalities develop and can be diagnosed clinically and through extensive lab work (evidence-based medicine).  These abnormalities can cause weakness, fatigue, loss of libido, and decreased ambition and productivity.  Growth hormone deficiencies are diagnosed through blood work.  If there is a true deficiency, various natural supplements are prescribed (without injections) and subsequent clinical and lab reassessment is done. 

Specific emphasis is placed on male and female menopause.  In women. natural therapeutics and bio-identical hormones are used to increase the “good” estrogen and decrease the potentially carcinogenic (cancer-causing) “bad” estrogens.  In men, clinical deficiencies in testosterone or its precursors or situations in which testosterone deficiencies arise from age-related conversion of testosterone to estrogen are treated with natural therapeutics.   Only when all natural attempts to correct laboratory abnormalities have not obtained optimal results will other therapies will be utilized, eg. injections, gels, creams, etc.

                                                                                                   Hormonal Causes of Aging
Science has now documented that several important anabolic (body building type) hormones decrease in a predictable fashion,.

  • Decreased DHEA, total testosterone,
  • Decreased free testosterone (male menopause)
  • Decreased growth hormonetp
  • Decreased estrogen and progesterone (female menopause)
  • Decreased IGF1 (insulin like growth factor)

Bioidentical Hormone replacement therapy (synthetic or nonsynthetic hormones that are identical in chemical structure to hormones produced naturally.) has many advantages such as:

  • Decreased breast cancer
  • Decreased heart disease and osteoporosis
  • Decreased menopausal symptoms
  • Increased libido, vaginal lubrication, and breast tone, decreased wrinkles, hair loss and memory loss
  • Weight loss with decreased fat tissue and increased muscle mass
  • Increased health, lifespan and sense of well being
  • Few or no side effects
  • Improved cardiovascular and osteoporosis protection.

(Wepfer, S. RPH, Int. J. Pharm. Compounding, vol. 5 No. 6, Dec 2001, pp 10-12)

Woman’s Health Initiative Study
Why did a study on estrogen derived from pregnant horse urine and synthetic progesterone reveal negative results?
Source: estrogen was derived from the urine of pregnant horses and included unnecessary forms of estrogen found only in horses. The progesterone utilized was a synthetic compound.

What went  wrong?
1.  The estrogen utilized was from the urine of mares, and the progesterone is
synthetic.  Both molecules are different from human estrogen and
2.  Baseline and follow up estrogen and progesterone blood levels were
not  routinely utilized!!

Standard Hormonal Therapy

  • Blood levels of estrogen, progesterone, DHEA and Testosterone in the majority of patients not taken prior to or during treatment.
  • Estrogen subsets (good and bad forms of estrogen) were not measured.
  • One dosage was prescribed for all women regardless of their body weight. Thus, a 98-lb woman would receive the same amount as a 250-lb woman
  • Therefore, standard hormonal replacement was not based on the individual’s true physiologic requirements.
  • Both estrogen and progesterone were not chemically identical to that of the human body.
  • Used to reduce postmenopausal symptoms  without correcting hormonal imbalances.

What is male menopause ?

  • Low Testosterone
  • Signs & symptoms of low Testosterone
  • According to medical recommendations you don’t have to be below the “normal” ; which could be as broad as 100-1000

Function of Testosterone
Increase muscle, decrease body fat, increase strength, increase endurance, positive cardiovascular affect.

Testosterone production is produced by:

  • Central axis (hypothalamus, pituitary)
  • Testicular level (primary)
  • Peripheral organs/tissue
  • Other (diet, exercise)

Men who have experience an enlarged prostates (BPH) have been linked to increased estrogen
Scandinavian Journal Of urology& Nephrology 1995, 29:65-68

  • Autopsy studies indicate BPH increases from 8% in men aged 31-40 to 50% in men aged 51 to 60yr and greater 80% in men older than 80yr.
  • “Etiology is unknown but may involve hormonal changes associated with aging”.
  • Possible causes
  • Signs and Symptoms
  • Detection

To maintain prostate health:

  • Diet – low fat, red meat, processed food, simple sugars, cholesterol, and alcohol.
  • PSA blood testing, & digital examinations on a regular bases.
  • Supplementation (lycopene, saw palmetto, green tea selenium, gamma E., bee pollen, pumpkin seed oil, etc.).
  • Keep fit & trim.
  • Hormonal balance (testosterone, estrogen, dihydrotestosterone)

Prostate Cancer Concerns:

  • Leading type of cancer and second leading cause of death in men.
  • Risk factors for prostate.cancer include: advancing age, race (African-American 1/3 higher than white Americans), and heredity (if 3 relatives have the disease you are 10 times more likely to get prostate cancer.